Michael J. Colitz, Jr.
Registered Patent Attorney
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Wacky Patent of the Month


Animal Trap
May 2018 Wacky Patent


U.S. Patent Number: US 269,766A

Patented Dec 26, 1882


James Alexancer Williams


Colitz Catchphrase:

"This brings a new meaning to the word, "overkill"

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My invention relates to an improvement in animal-traps; and it consists in the combination of a suitable frame upon which a revolver or pistol is secured, a treadle which is secured to the front end of this frame, and a suitable spring and levers, by which the'fire arm is discharged when the animal steps upon the treadle. The object of my invention is to provide a means by which animals which burrow in the ground can be destroyed, and which trap will give an alarm each time that it goes off, so that it can be reset.

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